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Truck Weighing Scale Company in Uganda

Weighbridge Earthing Price In Uganda

Weighbridge Earthing Price In Uganda, Weighbridges +256 700225423 are vulnerable to damage by lightning strikes, the consequences of which can be very expensive to repair, not to mention the knock-on effects of the weighbridge being out of order.

There are various types of lightning strike, but the one that concerns us is the dramatic forked lightning.

A weighbridge, by nature, is very unlikely to be the tallest structure in its locality and so will rarely be directly struck by lightning. Weighbridge Earthing Price In Uganda

What is the price of a weighbridge in Kampala ?

Weighbridge, Truck Scale, Industrial Weighbridge, Digital Weighbridge, Portable Weighbridge, Electronic Weighbridge, Vehicle Scale, Concrete Weighbridge, Pit Type Weighbridge, Surface Mounted Weighbridge,

If it does receive a direct hit then no weighbridge in the world could withstand the electrical energy that would strike it and then pass through its load cells as the easiest route to earth.

Shering approach the problem of lightning protection from the point of view of preventing damage from this dissipated energy.

We do this by using a PATENTED loadcell assembly unit which fits an insulating component between the ground and the weighbridge deck.

Best price of weighbridges in Kampala

Steel Weighbridge, Axle Weighbridge, Rail Weighbridge, Farm Weighbridge, Bridge Weighing Scale, Heavy-duty Weighbridge, Legal for Trade Weighbridge, Weighbridge Calibration. Top of Form

The dielectric properties of this insulator are such that it will restrict the voltage potential across the weighbridge

and its load cells to less than 100V, which is the level the load cells can comfortably withstand without damage. Weighbridge Earthing Price In Uganda

Over 10 years of use on Shering weighbridges around the World has proved this insulator to be both electrically durable and structurally strong enough in the most arduous conditions.

We are located at University Plaza Room A18 Bombo Rd, Wandegeya – Kampala

For more details, please contact us on; +256 700225423

+256 787089315

Or email us at: [email protected] 

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